Other Bee

Agapostemon Image: Judy Gallagher / CC BY 2.0

Image: Judy Gallagher / CC BY 2.0

More about Bees

There are over 5000 species of bees in North America and most species are solitary (that is, do not nest in social groups like honey bees and bumblebees). Most species feed primarily on pollen and nectar although some species are parasites and they tend to look more wasp-like. Most solitary bees nest in the ground or cavities in plants, although nesting behavior is highly variable across species. Many are important pollinators.


The huge diversity of bees that that not honey bees and bumble bees vary widely in size, shape and color.


All bees have hairs but some appear hairless


Sweat bees are a common native bee that are usually very small with colors varying from black, dull metallic, and bright metallic green or blue


Carpenter bees look like bumble bees, but the abdomen is mostly hairless and shiny.


Leaf cutter bees usually have conspicuous pollen collecting hairs located under the abdomen which they sometimes hold up in the air


Long-horned bees have long antennae that often extend past their thorax